
I am so proud to be captain of the women’s team for the season 2018/2019 and to be teamed with Sara Phelan as vice-captain. This will be my eighth season playing rugby for the Clonette’s and I have enjoyed every moment. On joining the club I was amazed by how friendly and welcoming the women’s team were. I have played for many teams throughout my life and I have never experienced this type of camaraderie and friendship. To this day Clondalkin ladies have maintained that welcoming and positive rapport according to all newcomers. I would encourage anyone of any skill level to give Clondalkin RFC a try.

During my time at the club I have been very excited to see the Clonette’s progress and prove themselves as valuable members of Clondalkin Rugby Club. We have built a good reputation in the club for bringing home silverware, our contribution to fundraising and our team spirit. I am also delighted to see one our ex-players Una Maguire progress to club vice president which is well deserved and testament to her dedication to the club.

I would like to thank Sandra Healy our current Manager for all of her hard work since starting in this role last season. I would also like to thank Eamon Stapleton and Ciaran Collins our outgoing coaches for everything you have done for us in the past two seasons, including getting us to two finals, we will miss you both.  I am excited this season to have the experience of our new coaching team Ailbhe O’ Nolan and Alan Hickey. Both have already proven themselves to be excellent coaches and the girls have learned so much already through preseason. We are all looking forward to applying our new moves this season in our upcoming league matches. Finally, I would like to thank my lovely wife Nicola without whom I would never have even played rugby in the first place, you are the very best and I appreciate all your encouragement.

I hope that this season will bring us many successes and we will once again establish ourselves as a force to be reckoned with!

Hon the Clon!

Naomi Fynes
Captain, Clondalkin Women’s 2018/2019







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